Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on June 21, 2009
"you can't let a failed romance stop you from looking for love"
Romance Makes the World Go Round
Romance is the emotion that makes the world go round. I feel romance and the natural progression that leads to childbirth is the reason we humans rule the earth. Procreation without romance is how the animals do it but we humans developed a nurturing for our young through romance. Although not all of us admit it we all seek romance in our relationships, I know it is hip to play the lone wolf going from partner to partner and bragging about not needing love. Have you noticed how many of these people end up falling in love and now they are saying they just didn't know what they were missing?Romance is not easy, there always seems to be pain involved when you really care for someone. Yet as the Bard said, "It is better to have loved and lost than never loved have loved at all" for even life with a broken heart is better than life with an empty one. What I'm trying to say is go ahead take a chance on love, do not be afraid. Tell that one you care for your true feelings, yes you might get hurt but even better you might find romance. The vulnerability of romance is that not only is it the best feeling in the world at the same time it is the worst feeling in the world. Do not let the scars of a failed romance deter you from opening your heart to love, keep looking my friend for the rewards far out distance the pain.
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