Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on December 6, 2009
"Really what is worse brown snow or brown lawns?"
Snowfall Poetry We Love the Snow
I don't want to say it but you just have to knowYou see I am someone one who's in love with the snow
Yes I know it is cold and turns white to pure sludge
Still its beauty becalms me and from that I won't budge
And yet to stay honest I have a need to confess
I don't live in the north I reside in the west
Out here we live with no seasons at all
cept hot in the summer and warm in the fall
So I'll conclude and let the platitudes ring
I'd say the grass is greener but you won't see that till spring
And my grass is brown from our year long drought
Let me tell you snows better of that there's no doubt
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