Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on July 19, 2009
"Although I do this for my dog I like it almost as much as he"
Victory Dog Park
Just about everyday I take my dog Jack to the Victory Dog Park in the San Fernando Valley. This is such a treat for Jack he loves to be able to run free and to play with the other dogs. He plays with all the dogs but he has favorites and he gets so excited when he sees one of his special friends there.I too enjoy the park as it is so much fun to see him running around chasing his friends and then turning around and be chased by them. When we are going to the park Jack just sits in the car until we get about a block from the park and then he knows where we are going. He then starts whining and jumping around so impatience like he just can't wait. I know people say that dogs can't understand what people say but if you say 'Dog Park' in front of Jack he will start to jump around and run to the closet where we keep his leash because he thinks he going to the dog park.
Going to the Victory Dog Park is differently Jack favorite thing to do. I always tell people that Jack would rather go to the dog park than eat ice cream and it just may be true.
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