Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on February 22, 2009
"They might be slow but they are careful"
You're an Animal: They Call me a Sloth
Let me tell you up front I am not lazy, I'm just slow. You can't be a lazy Sloth, we have too work hard just to take a step. The thing about being a Sloth is, we are cautious we don't like making mistakes. Even a simple thing like taking a step is hard because we have to analyze every aspect. Should we use left foot first or maybe right, is that a rock I might step on or maybe it's a spider. By the time we figure how we are going to step it has taken so long everything has changed and then we have to reanalyze. We Sloths could never be like you humans, you all say 'What the heck, take a chance.' Taking chances can be dangerous but it can be fun too. Being too cautious can be dangerous also, while you're looking to find the right move a jaguar might come up behind you and have you for a meal.If I could choose I would become a human, no a cautious human, no a cautious human that tasted bad to jaguars, no... I just can't make up my mind, can I get back to you.
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