Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on August 9, 2009
"It's hard to believe that was so long ago but as they say time flies when you're having fun"
Yvonne, the Love of my Life
Of all the letters we have written on this summer Y is the easiest for me. Y is for Yvonne my bride of thirty-nine years. Although we worked together we started dating by a quirk of fortune. I had just started working at the company where she worked and I didn't even know her name. I purchased two ticked to a show and the day we were to go my date canceled on me, leaving me with two tickets and no one to ask on such short notice.At work I went on a coffee break and just happened to sit at the same table as Yvonne and two or three other people. Almost as soon as I sat down the other people got up to leave as their break was over, leaving Yvonne and I alone. We introduced ourselves and as we talked I noticed we laughed a lot and without realizing it we both over extended our coffee break. As we rushed to get back to work before we got into trouble I asked her if she would go out with me. When she asked me when I just said tonight. She said OK and we have been together ever since.
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