Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on March 28, 2010
"No matter what it beats February by a mile"
March is a Chameleon
Don't get me wrong I love March, a month of change as we leave the dregs of winter and head into spring. Yet the weather never seems just to move slowly toward warmth but bounces across the days of March, one day warm the next cold. Therefore, although the old saw says in like a lion and out like a lamb (or vice versa as the case may be) I say it is more like a chameleon.You never know what a day in March will look like as the weather sometimes changes by the hour. As an example through the wonders of Facebook, I 'chatted' with a cousin who's in Colorado. She said she went on a bike ride Sunday wearing shorts and a tee shirt, even got sunburn. The next day they received two and a half inches of snow. Another cousin in Kansas said the temperature dropped twenty degrees while she was in one class. It's a wonder we're not all sick.
Even in my balmy Socal, the ever-changing March weather is often heinous. It's a daily guessing game what to wear outside as our little chameleon month goes from warm in the eighties to cool and windy and even rain (I know, can you believe rain in southern California). This is the month that the weathermen earn their pay.
I say, go ahead March give us your best shot, we all know you're bluffing. You like to pretend you're a winter month but we all know better. You see we just came from winter and you are a much better month than they are.
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