Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on April 29, 2012
"Who has a better life, a human, or a dog?"
Jack is Human for a Day
"I'm sorry officer, I promise to make sure it doesn't happen again, like I said he's from the country and they do things differently out there. Thanks again for your understanding, I think I better take him home and once again show him we have in-door plumbing in the city.""Gee Roger you look mad, what did I do, I mark that tree every day when we take our walk. Hey, look there's the neighbor's cat, let's go get that sucker..."
"JACK, stay, I mean stop, listen you're human now, you can't go around chasing cats and relieving your self outdoors."
Yes, I could see this was to be a strange and trying day, yet this is what I wanted so I had better make good use of it. I thought about catching that rabbit who said he was a magic bunny. He said he could grant me anything I wanted for one day but I never thought about how hard it would be to be human. My owner and I went to bed last night and then this morning I was woken up by him screaming at me to get out of his house. I didn't understand what I had done wrong until I noticed myself in the mirror. All I can say it's a good thing I can talk now or I'd never been able to explain to him who I was or how I had changed. After all the excitement died down I went to go outside and do my duty but I got stuck in my door, how embarrassing. Once Roger showed me how to use the knob on his door, I went outside but decided that if I could open his house door then I could open the yard gate. Of course, next thing I knew the policeman was going to arrest me for something called public indecently.
After breakfast, we went for a ride and the first thing I learned is hanging your head out the window is not nearly as much fun for a human. I begged him to take me to the park, my favorite place in the whole world. I had to promise to behave and do what he said or we'd both get in trouble with the police again but once we got there I was too excited to listen to him and I just lost all control. As we drove away, I knew I was in trouble and even though I said I was sorry I could tell he was mad at me. He kept telling me that I wasn't a dog anymore and that humans couldn't do all the things that a dog did.
Next stop was the store, he told me he couldn't yet trust me to go in with him, but if I promised to be good, he would bring me a treat. I had to sit in the hot car again while he shopped, boring. He was gone so long I was sure he forgot about me but then there he was with my treat. Ice cream, my favorite treat in the world but as I gobbled it down, I got a severe pain in my brain. Roger called it brain freeze, something humans got when they ate ice cream too fast; this being human was not as easy as I thought it would be.
When we got home, my mortal enemy, the postman was there but Roger wouldn't let me chase him. I asked Roger why he lets this human with such an ugly blue uniform on our porch everyday and he said that he was doing us a favor and that he was our friend, not our foe. Of course, I know better but I didn't say anything more and then he let me help him take the groceries inside the house. I curled up on the couch to take a nap while he puttered around in the kitchen and the next thing I knew he was calling me for lunch. I sat at the table ready for some of that wonderful human food that I'm never allowed to have only to see a plate of green stuff in front of me.
"I thought that since your human and all we'd try a salad for lunch."
I sniffed it and it didn't smell like food, but when I saw Roger begin eating it I tried it and although I wouldn't say it was my favorite it was kind of good. After lunch we spent the afternoon doing what he called chores, I always thought he did these things because he liked doing them but as a human I learned some things you have to do whether you like them or not.
It turned out the best part of my day was also the worse. Dinner, what a lovely word, and as a treat for me we had steak, big and thick and rare, just as I like it. Roger kept telling me to slow down but it was just too good, for dessert, we had a chocolate cake that nice Miss. Appleby brought us form next door. I ate cake while they talked and kissed (just like they always do), suddenly I didn't feel so good. I went outside and ate some grass to help me throw up but it didn't make me feel better. I felt dizzy, my stomach ached and so did my head, I went inside to tell Roger, but I guess I passed out. I woke up at the Vets but it wasn't my vet, he was telling Roger and Miss. Appleby that I had an allergic reaction to the chocolate cake and that I should be all right now.
I was ready for bed when we got home but Roger told me that since I was now human I had to sleep in the spare room. In the morning I was back to Jack the dog and believe it or not I think I was happier. I wish I could have told Roger how much I loved him before I became a dog again but when I gave ol Roger a big lick in the face I could see he knew.
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