Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on January 20, 2013
"♫Don't worry be happy♫ is not as easy as it sounds"
A Contented Life
Contentment with your life is not as easy to achieve as one might think. We live in a fast food world of instant satisfaction and contentment just takes too long to attain to be on the menu. We are given three quotes given by wise men and then asked on which one we agree and although all three have merit I would have to disagree with all of them. Contentment with life is most often gained by hindsight, realized by reflection and the understanding of what actually makes us happy. Rather than a goal, contentment is an individual reward for the life you have lived.We spend our lives seeking not only gratification but also approval from our peers. Yet it is only when we appreciate that, much like the Golden Fleece Jason labored so arduously to find, it is not the goal but the task that is so rewarding. When I was younger if someone were to ask me what I needed to have a contented life, I am sure I could have made a list of 'things' I needed for contentment. Now as I look back I see contentment is more of an acceptance of what you have rather than a goal.
Life is the ride not the destination, we need to enjoy the day to day accomplishments as well as the long term goals we may or may not achieve. I have worked my whole life, I will never be rich and certainly, I'll never be famous, yet I still managed to find that peace that come from deep inside you. It is not the beautiful sunrise or sunset you notice that changes your life, it's the time you take to look at them that makes for contentment.
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