Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on September 1, 2013
"It's a lemons and lemonade kind of world"
My Dream Job
I find that to write about 'my dream job' is not as easy as it should be, the toughest part is trying to decide what I want to do when I grow up. "It's not a job it's an adventure," I guess it's funny that I remember this slogan so well but not what it was for but as a lad I had to think that this would be a great way to make a living. Being paid to travel the world sounds like a dream job to me although I guess those who do it might argue with that. The two lads who do the TV show Mythbusters look as if they're having the time of their lives and being paid for it as they do. How can you go wrong with being paid to have fun?The truth is that with most of us, jobs, much like life are what happen to us as we try to decide what to do. We apply for a job not because of what it consists of but because we need the money. I call this stopgap employment, just something to do until we find a real job. The strange part is how these temporary jobs can affect our whole lives. Suddenly it is twenty years or so latter and you are still in the same field of work. It must have something to do with a comfort zone and as we get use to a job, we tend to stay in that line of work.
Now you may say to have a career in a job you don't care for is a wasted life but I disagree. I think the secret of having a dream job is not what you do but how you do it. I find that doing a job well is a reward in its own and the satisfaction that brings can make any job a dream job. If there is something, you really want to do and you can find a way to be paid for it you are truly a fortunate person. However if you are like most of the working world and you're just trying to make a living, your job doesn't define you it's how you do it.
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