Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on October 27, 2013
"Why does everybody think writing a mystery so easy?"
My New Mystery Novel
As much as I enjoy reading mystery novels, I just know I have one rattling around inside my head. Not many would call my lead a hero when he was a cop in LA, he was not interested in doing a service, or changing lives. He made Detective in a year that the department added so many jobs they had to lower their standards to fill them all. No, being a cop was just a job and even he would admit his performance was at a barely competent level, with both his arrest and conviction record near the bottom of his department every year. After the minimum number of years he retired and we're not sure who is happier for it, him or his Lieutenant.One of the joys, or is it curses, of retirement is that you have more time to reflect on what might have been and our hero now realizes he has basically wasted a career that may have been able to do some good for his community. When his wife's aunt is viciously attacked in a 'smash and grab' jewel store robbery, he decides to see if he can help solve the crime. He soon finds out this case is more involved than a robbery and his fumbling and bumbling sends him down a rabbit hole that threatens not only his life but his family as well.
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