Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on May 19, 2013
"The secret to getting thin is not a secret"
Quatrain: The Thin Man's Mantra
You say you want to lose some weightLet's not stall around just set a date
From that day forth ye shall not sin
Stop eating junk and you'll end up thin
Turn off the tube go out and play
Some exercise you need every day
It's not that hard to follow my plan
I'm telling you I know that you can
You're feeling better and looking good
You like yourself more I knew you would
To stay healthy and slim is a way of life
It's good for the hubby and also the wife
What have we learned from my little rhyme?
Work harder eat less works time after time
To get what you want takes no magic pill
It's really quite simple your dream to fulfill
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