Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on June 16, 2013
"A young lad writes about his least favorite subject"
Skool Iz Dun
Mother said I had to right a paper about school this summer. I don't think its fare to have to think during my vacation dad never thinks when hes on vacation he just sits around and drinks beer. Of all the things I do in school I think history is the dumbest I mean why do I have too learn things that happened before I was even borned. They say that america was discovered by Columbus in like I think 1892 but what about the indians they were really hear first so I think they should get the credit. Then the pilgrims landed at plymouth rock its called that because it is where they make cars. the pilgrims discovered thanks giving and because I love turkey I think they are the best. Then the americans had a war with great Briton and George Washington became the father of our countrythe end
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