Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on April 28, 2013
"A springtime bouquet of mixed metaphors "
The Beauty that is April
Most people's thoughts on April are just hyperboleAnd yet I just can't help myself, I find I do agree
Blooms from our dear poppies make our hillsides look aflame
To miss their golden beauty would truly be a shame
The pedals from Jacaranda trees drop down like purple rain
Though on the ground they die and rot and clean up's such a pain
This month's a thing of wonder full of hope we know's a lie
For soon they all will turn to brown, lay down their lives and die
The desert's not an easy life, full of wind and heat and sand
And while April's beauty flees from us we enjoy while we can
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