Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on March 3, 2013
"A simple proofread may have saved all that grief "
The Lack of a Comma
For 'Want of a Nail' sure, you know the rhymeWell this 'Lack of a Comma' is along the same line
I knew I was wrong and had said things that were crass
Now I was so sorry and afraid of losing my lass
I wrote her a note to proclaim my true feeling
Her answer was swift and sent my mind reeling
I was not to see her again, not to darken her door
"But my dear," I begged as she threw my note on the floor.
I looked down at my scribble and saw my mistake
My life was in shambles cause I didn't punctuate
For the lack of a comma my life is now blue
How could I have said, 'I'm sorry I love you'
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