Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on March 17, 2013
"A parable about change"
The Road of Life
The road of life is filled with twists and turns through steep hills and deep valleys. Although we know the only certainty about our trip along this road is our destination, or death, the other constant is change. We may be able to see a turn in the road ahead but we really don't know what we will find around that bend. Our trip might be climbing to a hill of elation or down to a valley of despair.I tell my family and friends who are depressed and unhappy because of some event in their lives that it will change if they only give it time. The way to get over something is not to dwell on it but to keep traveling down that road with your eye on the future. One step at a time ever forward and one day you will realize that you are over your depression and things are looking better. The only way out of a valley of unhappiness to rise above it and climb to a hill of contentment.
One way of looking at all this is that if we never traveled through the low parts of our life we would not be able to appreciate the high life. Our trip through these valleys may be long and arduous but it is not hopeless and it will get better if we only keep moving. The one thing I ask is that once you survive this trip through your valley of despair is to remember how lost you once felt and when you see someone in their own valley tell them the parable of hills and valleys. We are only allowed one trip down this road, so learn from the low parts, enjoy the high ones and have a pleasant journey.
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