Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on May 26, 2013
"A classic salute to the cannon fodder of the world"
To the Poppies on Flanders Field
In my opinion, John McCrae's poem 'In Flanders Field' is a beautiful piece of prose and it brings a tear to my eye every time I read or hear it. My mine's eye can picture the poppies blowing in the wind between the rigid grave markers of the fallen, who on the battlefield were as frail as these flowers. The fact that it was used as both a recruiting tool and to help raise money for veterans does make the work any less edifying.I consider myself anti-military and yet I have no problem with the dichotomy of being in support of active soldiers, the fallen, and returning veterans. No matter what my feelings are, I have to respect the bravery of a person who puts his life on the line for his. Since Cain and Able, we are a species that kill our brothers both on the battlefield and on the streets at home. I cannot foresee peace in our world breaking out anytime soon but that does not stop me from believing in it. There are far too many Flanders Fields in this world all too full of fragile flower blown over by the winds of war.
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