Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on September 29, 2013
"When it comes to entertainment TV is like the Sahara, nothing but wasteland "
What to Watch, What to Watch
I'm not a big fan of TV and yet I find myself sitting in front of it on most of the nights we're home. I watch a lot of the major sporting events broadcast but I find many of the announcers boring and full of themselves. I enjoy the Happy Hour shows on ESPN where assorted sports journalist banter back and forth about the hot sports topics of the day. I watch the news, although it is quite frustrating to me as the talking heads do more pimping of their networks TV shows than actual reporting of current events. I like comedy but none of the current sit-coms do anything for me and so I rarely watch any of them. As for dramas, I watch NCIS, Bones, and Person of Interest most weeks but the plots are all the same and I wouldn't miss any of them if they disappeared.With all that said and done, I am left with only one choice if asked to convince you to watch a particular show. The only TV show I can recommend is 'None' and the best part is it's on every day. That's right I'm saying turn your TV off and start enjoy your own life instead of some made up one. You will be amazed to find out how much time you now have to do things that interest you and your life will be the better for it. Television is hypnotic by design and once you flick that switch it has you, you can't get away and suddenly your day is gone. With your new spare time you can do all the things you've been wanting to do. You can start exercising, you can that read book you've been hearing about, heck you can write that book.
OK now, so no more TV for you, and me, we are going to invest our time wasted in front of the tube into improving our lives. Enjoying the company of our family, finding out what is going on with their lives and telling them of our day. This is going to be great but first I want to watch the news and oh yeah, Castle has a new show on tonight but after that...
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