Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on February 16, 2014
"When will we learn, there is no free lunch"
Be Careful what you Wish for
We all are familiar with the fable of the Genie and his granting of three wishes. 'Anything you want' he says, of course, as with every offer, there are restrictions and fine print. I consider these tales more as a parable than fable; the lesson learned is that nothing comes without a price.We often think how wondrous it would be to have anything we wished, limitless wealth, fame, good health, or even long life, anything at all. Alas, what we fail to realize is that the Genie is more of an evil than benevolent being and his gifts are a curse not fortuitous. There is always an unseen catch, if you wish for wealth, it may end up costing you your health or your family, or if you wish for good health it may cost you your wealth. No matter how much you consider you wishes the evil Genie hides a cost that is always more dear.
In all the Genie stories, the poor misguided human tries to out think the mighty djinn only to end up disappointed with the results of his wish. So that being said, you ask what I would wish for; well my answer would be quite simple. I would look him in the eye and tell him to, 'leave me alone, never bother me again, and most important leave my family alone'.
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