Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on January 5, 2014
"Made with the understanding that New Year resolutions are more of a 'wish' list instead of a 'to do' list."
Hello, 2014
We have turned another page in our lives and 2014 stares back at us blankly. It is ours, to fill in with the prose of adventure and love or the concessions of despair and hopelessness. As for me, I have to say, my first entry would be a checklist to show my dreams and expectations for the upcoming year.I would have to start my list with health and survival as my main goal because after so many, many years I realize even this is not a given. I think that every year most of us try to do some good in the world but this year I want to extend my volunteering to help those less fortunate. More exercise and healthier eating, well it is my list and a guy can dream can't he? Next comes excitement, I want to hold back the bad kind and have more of the fun kind. I want to travel a little more, read a lot more but most important try to enjoy whatever comes my way.
Now, as far as finances for the upcoming year I have little hope of increasing my net worth so I will just try not to get even poorer in 2014. This should be easy for all I need do is spend less than I earn but I must admit there are not many years that I accomplish this goal. As for the younger readers, may I just add here, that buying lottery tickets is not much of a retirement plan and you may want to start setting aside a little each month for your future.
I must be near the end of my list, for I see I have, healthier, wealthier, and wiser, so that should just about cover it all. Now let me check my list for 2013 and I can't help but notice that it is remarkably similar to 2014's list. Certainly not many items checked off but not to worry, I know that 2014 will be different.
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