Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on January 26, 2014
"Fifty-two topics a year is not that easy"
Writing Prompt Help!
Taking a Mulligan:In golf there is an unwritten rule called a Mulligan that allows you, one time only a round, to rehit a badly hit ball. Write about a time in your life where you wish you could 'take a mulligan' and redo a mistake or decision you made.
The First Paragraph:
Many say the most important part of any story is the first paragraph, for it is the place where you 'set the hook' so to speak, to catch the reader's interest. Write the first paragraph to that next great American (or your country of choice) novel that we all know you have in you.
Roses are Red:
Valentine's Day is near and love is in the air. Write a short poem to the one you love, or if there is no one in your life, the one you hope to love.
If I Ruled the World:
Pick one of the many hot topics that fill our nightly news programs and write a short story or poem on how you would solve it.
You Can't Take Satire Seriously:
From Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' to Orwell's 'Animal Farm', many say that satire is the greatest form of writing to expose society's weaknesses. Try your hand at satire with a paragraph or two written in this entertaining style.
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