Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Scott on November 28, 2010
"I had fun thinking about this. It definitely brought back memories. "
The Sense of Fall
The smokey smell of a wood stove being used for the first time. The sight of the reds, oranges, and yellows of the leaves as they prepare to become a blanket on the ground. The sound of the crunching of dry leaves under foot as you walk through the fields. The cold, tangy taste of fresh apple cider on your tongue. The feel of the brisk fall air on your skin as you head outside. What an incredible way to celebrate the fall!Every season has its merits: Summer its warmth, Winter its glistening snow, Spring its beautiful new flowers. But for me, nothing compares to the greatness of Fall.
As I walk or drive, I can smell the wood stoves being lit and it reminds me of my childhood. Our main source of heat was the wood stove. It kept us warm when the power went out and others were shivering. It keeps "the fixings" warm at Thanksgiving time. And the chopping of the wood, while sometimes an annoying chore, was one that the whole family gathered to do.
The color and sound of the leaves being raked into a pile brings out the kid in everyone. Who can resist a pile of freshly raked leaves? Running through them, or jumping into them, brings a smile to all.
The apple orchards begin to ramp up. Apple pies, pumpkin pies, and fresh apple cider. My mother used to work for an orchard during the fall when I was younger. I remember being treated to seeing how the apples were prepared, crushed, and strained to make the first delicious drink of the season.
When the air turns cool, people begin to cuddle in their favorite comfy blanket, curling up in front of a fire with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee and a good book. That is the look, the feel, the sound, the taste, and the smell of Fall!
I guess you could say I love Fall. It's the sudden winter at the end that bothers me!
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