Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
To My Wife, on Our Anniversary
If there were an ocean and I adrift upon the seaOne thing that I would ask for, Is for you to be with me.
The sun may shine, the rain may fall, the stars may shine at night
But with you always with me, I know I'll be all right!
So many years have come and gone since first our hearts did meet.
You took my hand into your own and swept me off my feet.
My life has changed so much since then, and I can clearly see,
Just how my life is better, now that you're here with me.
So very many years ago, I saw myself alone.
No one would ever be with me, No other love I'd known.
Then suddenly you came to me, a blessing from above!
You filled my life with happiness, with your unfailing love.
Just when I thought our life was full, God knew we weren't complete
He made our family grow some more with the sound of little feet.
Two great kids to share our love, the best of me and you.
How could one man e'er ask for more? Our love will carry through!
Only eighteen years have passed, since I made you my wife.
The road's been rough along the way, with trials and with strife.
But in each valley we have crossed, one thing I'll always say,
I've never loved you more before, than I love you today.
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