Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Scott on January 30, 2011
"Sometimes, we spend too much time in front of the tv, and not enough with what is important"
The Watchful Eye
Here they come again. It must be morning already. The haven't paid any attention to me in the last few hours, and I was starting to get worried.Ah! There's the little one. Of all in the house, he is the one who adores me the most. After all, I give him what he wants, distraction, an excuse not to do his chores, and a way to stay up late: "But I LOVE this show!"
Hours upon hours they spend worshiping me. From early in the morning, to late at night, they spend their days in front of my watchful eye. I tell them what is happening around the world, I tell them stories of lands far away, and I bring them into a world that would otherwise never exist.
They cannot resist my charms, and, despite what they may say, I own them! The young girl lets me sing to her in the afternoon, while the lady of the house takes control in the evening.
I am known by a variety of names, but my favorite is The Electronic Babysitter. I get them when they are very young, and my watchful eye never falters. Oh, there are the few times when the family turns its attention away from me. But they come back. They always come back! There is nothing in this world that they adore more than me!
Wait, what is he doing? The old guy, he's picking up the remote. Must be changing the channel, but in the middle of the show? Wait, no! That button, not that button! You can't turn me off! You love me, you know you need me!
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