Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Scott on December 26, 2012
"This is one of those things that rattled inside my head until I had to put it down!"
Christmas Rhyme
While still within this ChristmastimeI'd offer up this simple rhyme
Though, true, my words may seem a crime
To those who mayhap hear it.
So listen close, your ear I'll bend
It's true I wish not to offend
I only speak of love for friend
And all who should draw near it.
'Tis not about the gifts and things
Tied in ribbon, bows, and string
Nor anything that you could bring
But please I beg don't fear it.
'Tis all about a babe that lay
Within a stable far away
Was born upon this Christmas day
Oh hear the angels cheer it!
While op'ning presents as you will
Take just a moment to be still
And ponder in your heart until
At once you will endear it.
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