Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Scribbler on June 27, 2008
"I tried out the Grab Bag.
One word: Collection
One word: Collection
Collecting a bargain
Grab Bag: CollectionJohn rose early to get to the garage sale. You never know what you might find there. What he was really after was a piece of Flumbeau glassware. Not many people knew the real value of this stuff yet, so he was in with a chance. It was the sort of thing given as wedding presents years ago – the sort of thing that today’s young folk find truly hideous. Little do they know.
There was a big tree which provided ample shade for parking that morning. Always a good omen John thought: nothing like coming back to a cool car with an excellent bargain. There weren’t too many people around yet and he headed optimistically towards the front of the house where unwanted goodies were stacked on a couple of trestle tables, under which were old cardboard boxes, spilling over with colourful excitement.
He was in luck! There was a green vase with its familiar swirling patterns. He reached out only to find himself grasping at air as the woman next to him picked it up. He deflated with disappointment. Oh well. I suppose you can’t win them all.
‘Ghastly looking thing isn’t it?’ said the woman to her companion with a laugh. She put the vase down and turned her attention to some biscuit tins.
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