Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
I'd like to be....
I’d like to be a beekeeper tending to my hivesor an operating surgeon saving many lives,
a gardener tending flowers, or one who grows fresh food
or an artist painting pictures according to my mood.
I know I wouldn’t like to be a miner underground,
nor a worker in a factory with high decibels of sound.
I wouldn’t like to butcher meat, or run a herd of cattle,
or even use a jack-hammer – my bones would surely rattle.
Driving trucks is not for me, or buses, trams, or trains
and I wouldn’t like to be high up on buildings or on cranes.
I wouldn’t be an astronaut, or fly a jumbo jet,
and I’m not that fussed on being round when concrete’s being set.
I’m grateful though that someone does the jobs that I abhor,
that there are those who do the things that I would find a chore.
I’m privileged in having such a choice of occupations,
and well aware it’s not the same in many other nations.
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