Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Series of puns: Iris
Iris decided to get some medical advice as she’d noticed she was getting a bit stooped. She rang the Medical Centre to make an appointment.‘Which doctor?’ asked the receptionist.
‘No, I’d rather see a GP thanks.”
In the surgery at last she explained to the doctor that she was getting shorter and asked if there was anything that could be done.
‘Not really, I’m afraid. You’ll just have to be a little patient.’
The doctor noticed some redness about her eyes.
‘Your eyes sore?’
‘Eyesore! Well, I didn’t think I looked that bad.’
‘No. Your eyes are red. Are they bothering you?’
‘Not a lot. What’s the matter?’
‘Oh, I don’t think there’s any discharge. Just some redness.’
‘Put these drops in three times a day.’ He showed her how to use the fancy applicator.
‘Thanks Doctor, I’ve learned how to do it. I’m a good pupil.’
‘They should help a sight.’
And off she went home before the conversation got any cornea.
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