Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Scribbler on May 9, 2009
"This was inspired by some of the instructions that do come with some products plus the added frustrations of the person trying to put it all together."
To erect the furniure
First check that all pieces are present and correct as per the diagram.Have slight disappointed annoyed feeling that (h) long screws-4 is missing.
Realise (h) is conjoined to (g) short screws-12.
Lay out parts (b) to (d) and match metal tabs (a) as per illus.(i)
Use supplied tool and join tabs (a) to parts (b), (c) and (d) with screws (g)
Strip thread on screw (g). Mutter to self. Improvise and continue.
Join each (d) to the reverse of (e) with tabs (a) using (h)-long screws. See illus. (ii)
Oh no! That’s back to front. Undo, redo, and continue.
Space each part (c) between each pair of parts (d) and join using screws (g) and supplied tool. Illus. (iii)
They don’t look even. Drop small screw (g)……………………... Find small screw (g) under nearby cupboard. Continue.
Finish tightening all screws (g) and (h). Turn construction up the other way to see completed furniture. Illus. (iv)
Not too bad – even if I do say so myself!
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