Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Scribbler on February 5, 2011
"I experimented with no punctuation - not sure that it works -but what would a sextant know about commas and full stops?"
I hang on the wall
I'm retired now but I suppose I should call it semi-retired really because I'm still working in a display capacity as I hang on the wall in a rather handsome handmade wooden frame which forms a deep square around me to keep off the dust and it's nice to sit in my high position and to be so admired especially by those of a scientific ilk others admire my curves and angles my eyepiece my lenses and my shining brass of course but seamen and scientists and possibly engineers appreciate my true worth and know what I've been capable of in the past but sadly no more angle work for me someone else will be charting positions now wounded in action so to speak I blame that young apprentice navigator myself clumsy oaf oh well plenty of water under the bridge since then if you'll pardon my pun anyways we're mostly all retired now not many of us sextants left since they got GPS.More writing by this author
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