Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Scribbler on May 7, 2011
"Sometimes I feel overloaded by Special Days."
Special Days
Every day of the year it seems is taken up with someone’s dreams;Hopes for the future, thoughts of the past, those who are gone and those who will last.
Days for this and days for that, honour the Queen, remember your cat:
Walk to work, plant a tree, Clean up Day, Help someone be Free.
A day for mothers, a day for dads, a day to remember the fallen lads.
A day to wear unusual clothes, a day to wear a bright red nose.
A day of thanksgiving, a day of regret, Christmas and birthdays -things not thought of yet.
If it were up to me, I must let it be said, I’d have a day of Nothing instead.
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