Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sara Taylor on September 18, 2008
"I used the writing prompt on this one..."
Dream Vacation
My dream vacationis something everyone would love
it's what you might, yourself,
been always dreaming of
Do you know what it is?
do you think that you can guess?
do you think if you got it right
then I would really tell you "yes"?
"Well is it on an ocean?"
you may ask me rather quickly.
"Is it in the desert;
where it's blistering hot and sandy?"
"Is it way way wayyyy up north
where you could be caught up in a snowstorm?
Or is it on the equator...
not too hot, nor cold... just warm?"
are you sure you want to know?
are you REALLY sure you do?
well...to be perfectly honest..
I REALLY have no clue!
I'm sure that eventually...
someday somehow I will..
God will tell me in his time...
but I will not know until
He knows more about me
more about what I want to do
and when he tells me all about it...
I'll be sure to tell you too ;)
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