Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sara Taylor on May 5, 2008
"I put this poem on my b/f's birthday card....lol.....please don't take it without asking!"
My Prince Charming
You're that handsome prince charmingwho's been knocking at my door
you're that knight in shining armour
that I've always been waiting for
You may not have a worn a crown
or traveled desert lands
you've never ruled a kingdom
yet my heart is in your hands
you may not have lived in a castle
or have broken an evil curse
you may not've found a lost slipper
or got to the tower first
Ok, You've never slashed a sword
or ever had a loyal steed
but why would that ever matter
when you're everything I need?
You might've not slayed a dragon
or fought on stormy seas
you don't know how to dance
-you're just the prince for me! :D
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