Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sara Taylor on February 24, 2008
"Ok, so my sister and I were having a contest to see who could write the fastest love poem...and this is what I came up with....it didn't really happen (and yes, I know that that completely killed the whole point) but it's a cute idea that some ditsy teen out there is gonna awwwwwwwwwww at haha...jkjk....ur not ditsy....maybe :P lol.
The dream
the other night I had a dreamyou held me in youre arms
you held me tightly close to you
and we never drew apart
I had a sense of belonging
that I never felt before
but when I opened my eyes
the dream was no more
but later on that day
you held me in your arms
dreams really do come true
for we never drew apart
we have that sense of belonging
that I've only felt once before
and that was in my dream
that'll last forevermore
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