Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by smalltownlady on December 8, 2009
"This post is a Grab Bag which uses the following words: exception, incessant, womb"
Christmas Child
As the ocean rolls incessantly to the shore and then recedes into itself, so have young women entered their childbearing years. Monthly their young bodies prepare to receive a fertilized egg and produce a life. Failing the first month, the body tries again the next month, and the next month, and the next - for 30 to 40 years every month those preparations are made. Occasionally the woman has had a fertile union with a man and that fertilized egg is planted in the womb. Here it will grow into a viable human being. History records only one exception to this function of reproduction.Christmas, and Christianity, and all belief in Jesus Christ as Savior of mankind are predicated on this exception. Mary, a young virgin, is found of child by the Holy Ghost. A preposterous story and yet, because of an angelic visit, her intended husband believes her story. Joseph has the unique blessing of rearing Jesus as his legal child.
Little is told of the childhood of Jesus. We know he was the oldest child of Mary who had several more sons whose names have been recorded and some daughters who are mentioned in scripture as well. We know that he began teaching the scripture when He was just a boy. And then we know little else until Jesus began his public ministry about the time he was 30. We celebrate His birth and His resurrection. Those of us who believe accept the miracle of His birth without question even though we would not ever believe a young woman who would tell a similar story today.
With God, all things are possible.
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