Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by smalltownlady on January 11, 2010
"Strictly off the cuff."
So Much Trouble
So much troubleWould a puppy be
He 'd scratch and whine
On the floor he would pee.
I'll take care of him
Cried Little Boy Lee
His messes I'll clean
He can sleep with me.
No dog in the house
His mom did insist
No pet at all
But she couldn't resist
Those big brown eyes
Cried little boy tears
She looked deep inside
And remembered the years
When Rex and Prissy
and Friskie and Duke
Had been her best friends
It wasn't a fluke.
A boy needs a dog
She decided at last
To make many memories
To 'come part of his past
So they picked out a brown one
With one floppy ear
And took him straight home
They called him Bear.
Bear and Lee became friends
Who romped in the park
When the sunshine went down
They weren't afraid of the dark.
And true to his word
When mistakes Bear would make
Lee grabbed a rag
And sometimes a rake.
They formed a bond
No human could break
The dog and the boy
What a pair they did make.
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