Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by smalltownlady on November 23, 2011
"Remembrances of past Thanksgivings woven into an essay"
Almost NonFiction
Almost Non-FictionScents of bleach and vinegar permeate the house. All the kitchen and bathroom surfaces shine. In the kitchen the freshly cleaned oven awaits the goodies that will be stuffed into it for preparation of a Thanksgiving feast. Everything sparkles or gleams, the polished furniture, the clear windows, the swept front porch and sidewalk. The holidays arrive with Thanksgiving.
For some folks, Thanksgiving begins Christmas. Not so in our house. Thanksgiving is a holiday unto itself. After the ritual cleaning, Mom begins the meal preparations. She’s dried the bread for the stuffing. A turkey thaws in the refrigerator. Mom irons the last Irish linen napkin and reflects on Thanksgivings past. The tablecloth and napkins have graced the family table for as many years as she can remember. She sets the table for her family and guests. Each year someone arrives for dinner who might, otherwise, have no special meal. Mom’s sister is bringing her family of four. This year Dad invited two fellows from his workplace who have no family in town. Mom basks in gratitude that her family is willing and able to share the holiday meal with others. By evening the table is set, the pies are made, and the ingredients for the dressing are assembled.
Early Thanksgiving morning Mom prepares her dressing for the turkey. She uses the bread cubes, celery and onions and herbs, and oysters purchased especially for the dressing. Dad prepares a light breakfast while Mom gets that turkey ready to go in the oven. After breakfast Lillian cleans up the dishes and sweeps the kitchen floor. She and Mom spend the rest of the morning making apple and celery salad with nuts, gelatin molds, and vegetable side dishes. They make a relish tray full of pickles and olives and various types of cheeses. Lillian whips fresh cream for the pumpkin pies. Dad makes his signature eggnog. By 11:00 a.m. the smell of roasting turkey permeates the house. Dad samples the oyster dressing and declares it perfect.
All is ready. The family members slip into their bedrooms to freshen up before dinner. Dad wears a nice sport shirt and sweater with his slacks. Mom replaces her house robe with a pretty cardigan and dark pants and Lillian dons her comfortable skirt and blouse. When the guests arrive, Dad pours the men a glass of eggnog and they go out to the lawn chairs to have a smoke and “man talk”, solving all the world’s political problems. The younger cousins gather around the card table in the living room and work on a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. In the kitchen Lillian, Aunt Louise, and Mom put on starched aprons and set dinner on the table. When everything is ready, Mom calls in the men. As Mom lights the centerpiece candles, Dad carves the turkey.
Everyone holds hands and Lillian asks the Lord’s blessing. Dad’s eggnog helps the guests feel at ease. Soon everyone has plates of food. Dad starts dinner conversation by thanking Mom for the delicious meal she has prepared for her family and guests. The guests chime in, proclaiming the feast the best meal they ever ate. Soon the men are reminiscing about previous Thanksgivings. Dad is careful to keep the conversation positive and thankful, occasionally redirecting someone to focus on good things. Everyone eats too much. Mom and Lillian clear the food from the table. Dad pours coffee for all and everyone beams when Mom reappears from the kitchen carrying pumpkin pie and a big bowl of whipped cream.
After dinner Dad and the men turn on the television to catch a football game. Mom and Aunt Louise clear the table. Mom prepares two plates full of food for the men to take home with them for another dinner. They store the leftovers and wash the dishes and put them away. Aunt Louise asks the kids, including Lillian, if they would like to go to a movie at the local theatre. They all jump into their coats and Aunt Louise and Uncle Ted head off to the movie with a car full of kids.
As everyone leaves, Dad turns to mom, gives her a big hug and a kiss. They are grateful for the love of God, family and friends. Dad turns off the TV and turns on the music. He and mom dance through the empty house. They are grateful to have an evening alone .
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