Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Trent on February 14, 2008
"To my Gramp the house on the hill was the center of his world. This is just a small attempt to capture the essence of who he was. To do it justice would take a lot more than 15 minutes."
A Tribute
Sunlight shimmers on a becalmed bay. A Chickadee in the distance sings her familiar tune. The hillside overlooking the water is just barely alive with activity. Somewhere in the distance the sound of a tractor as it works at cultivating a fruitful field.Today is a good day. Today is royal day.
Focus in on the brown patch highlighted with wisps of new green sprouts. There you will see him. Dressed in common plaid, wearing leather boots you would not recognize this man for what he is, a King. His scepter is the hoe that he holds in his calloused hands. For a throne he sits with magnificence behind the wheel of his International tractor. His subjects are related to him by flesh and blood.
The extent of his kingdom is limited only by size but not by grandeur. For the farmland and the woodlots he possesses bring him a regal joy.
They are his lifeblood.
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