Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Trent on April 1, 2013
"My 11th g Grandfather followed Roger Williams into the area that we know today as Rhode Island. This place and this story has captured my imagination.
I trust that I have caught a touch of reality in this piece."
I trust that I have caught a touch of reality in this piece."
The Refugee Roger Williams
Flee. I cannot comprehend that I am running for my life.---
Trouble-maker. This they have labeled me. Never have I sought out trouble. I have only and always sought to live by the dictates of my conscience. Why should that cause trouble?
Mere days ago I walked as a free man. Now I run as a criminal. A criminal!
Where do I run? Perhaps my friend chief Ousamaquin in the Wampanoag village will have me. I cannot think of another choice.
Safe. I am uncertain how I made it here. Walking through the four foot snow drifts mile after mile is a memory I would rather purge from my mind.
Around me in this present blizzard I see heathens around the fire. They do not worship my God. They think little of taking human life. Yet, at this moment, they are the only people I know that care for me.
My Christian brothers in the colony ruled that I should return to London. Had Winthrop’s note arrived later I would most certainly be imprisoned in the land of my birth. As Thomas Helwys had done before me I would most likely have perished in that darkness.
Outcast. Spring at last, brought to me a new hope. Gracious handshakes were afforded me as I left my winter caretakers. I assured them I would return and we would do business together.
Genesis. My Bible speaks of God’s hand in creation. Surely as one made in His image it is honoring Him to start something anew. The land I have purchased from the peoples called Narragansett. I desire to never steal from this people but always to deal fairly. An awareness of His hand working through me yielded the name of this new settlement, Providence.
Though I know not what the future holds In this place I have begun a church fellowship. None will be forced to attend. Each one’s soul will make religious decisions according to conscience. That is a liberty afforded by the Creator.
Rest. My laboring days are complete. I have been a refugee in the company of Indians. I have made speeches in the presence of Kings and Cromwell. My friend Dr. John Clarke and I have brought about a colony like none other in the Commonwealth of England. Protestants and Catholics, Baptists and Quakers, Indians and Englishmen, these are all endowed with the freedom to worship as they chose. They tolerate each one's right to choose despite the belief that the other has chosen incorrectly.
Reflecting. Meditating on my life’s purpose I can see that it has been used. Soul liberty is the Heavenly Father’s gift to mankind. My name will stand for that.
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