Animals : Land Animals
Whether you are a teacher or parent who is teaching children the alphabet, or just someone who loves words, alphabetizing, alliteration, or all of the above, we hope you find these word lists useful.
These are not meant to be exhaustive--just thorough, covering the basics from many categories that can be tied to the academic curriculum.
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Aardvark, Alligator, Anteater, Antelope, ArmadilloB
Baboon, Badger, Bear, Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Boa Constrictor, Boar, BuffaloC
Camel, Capybara, Caracal, Caribou, Cat, Chameleon, Cheetah, Chihuahua, Chimpanzee, Chinchilla, Chipmunk, Collie, Cougar, Cow, Coyote, CrocodileD
Dachshund, Dalmatian, Deer, Dingo, Dog, DonkeyE
Elephant, ElkF
Fisher, Fox, FrogG
Gazelle, Gerbil, Giraffe, Goat, Gopher, Gorilla, Great Dane, Guinea PigH
Hamster, Hedgehog, Hippopotamus, Horse, Hound, HyenaI
Ibex, IguanaJ
Jackal, Jaguar, JerboaK
Kangaroo, Kitten, KoalaL
Lemming, Lemur, Leopard, Lion, Lizard, Llama, LynxM
Meerkat, Mole, Monkey, Moose, Mountain Goat, Mountain Lion, Mouse, Mule, MuskoxN
Ocelot, Opossum, OrangutanP
Panda, Pig, Platypus, Polar Bear, Pony, Poodle, Porcupine, Prairie Dog, Pug, Puppy, PythonR
Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Rattlesnake, Reindeer, RhinocerosS
Salamander, Sheep, Sloth, Snake, SquirrelT
Tapir, Tasmanian Devil, Terrier, Tiger, Toad, TortoiseV
Viper, VoleW
Wallaby, Warthog, Weasel, Wildebeest, Wolf, WoodchuckY
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