scrounge: /skrounj/ informal verb: to actively seek [books] from any available source

For Day 13 of our Christmas Books series, we're featuring a book called The Christmas Ladder that is actually a short story in Kindle format, but is also personal because it was written by our neice (and she illustrated the cover as well), Annie Louise Twitchell, and is based on a true story from Professor Puzzler's family history.
In the story, Reverend Snow's young family does not have enough money for a Christmas tree, but he uses a little New Englander ingenuity to come up with a solution that works just as well.
This would be a lovely family read-aloud in the days leading up to Christmas!
Scrounged From: Amazon (Kindle)
Format: Kindle
Author: Annie Twitchell
Pages: 10
Content Advisory: None
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