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A Seed Is Sleepy is a wonderful nonfiction picture book that introduces children to the wonder of seeds. The illustrations are detailed and colorful, and the text manages to include important information in a way that is meditative and celebratory, without becoming too wordy or clinical.
The book covers seeds of all different sizes and types, and emphasizes the different ways seeds find to spread themselves out in order to germinate in new places. The process of germination is covered as well, and one of the most fascinating parts was a page that mentioned a seed from an extinct date palm tree that germinated after being preseved for over one thousand years!
Even though the book is poetic and quick to read, I still came away from it feeling like a lot of aspects of seeds had been covered, and was impressed again at the utter variety of seeds in the world. I'm looking forward to reading more from this series.
Scrounged From: Amazon
Format: Paperback
Author: Dianna Aston
Illustrator: Sylvia Long
Pages: 40
Content Advisory: None
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