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Why is it that when creating a Pro-Problem assignment, you can assign a numeric grade to the student, but with the Reference assignments, you can only mark each question "correct" or "incorrect"?

Shouldn't those be consistent?
The original intent was that the "Pro-Problems" would be a place where students would give a long answer (ie, a complete explanation for their answer, similar to what we expect on the Loony Physics and other problem pages), and so it makes sense to be able to give partial credit.

And the Reference Sections would be short answer, in which case you would either mark it right or wrong.

However, I can see the merit in making it consistent - it would make a more comfortable interface for both teachers and students.

Let me think about that some more; I don't want to make a far reaching change without considering the consequences!
Change has been made per MrH's suggestion!
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