Printable Word Games
Pro Members have the ability to create Word Searches, Cross Searches, and Jumbled Puzzles based on their own word lists. Word List creation is a simple process.
Step One: Create the List
From your Pro Control Panel, select the "Word Lists" module, and then click "New". Fill out the form as described below:
- Title: A short description of the contents of this list.
- Description: A space to put a more detailed description of what the list contains. (Not required)
- Clue Category Descriptions: These are optional descriptors for the clue words you will include as part of your word list. For example, in the "Solar System Vocabulary" word list found here: Solar System Vocabulary,one category name is "Facts/Definitions" and another is "Mythology Connection." In this word list, you can see that the first clue word is always a fact or definition, and the second clue word is always a mythological reference. If you find categories confusing, you can just ignore them, as they are an optional feature.
When the form is completed, click "Submit."
Step Two: Add Words and Clues
In the form which appears when you click "Submit," enter a word, and then (optionally) include anywhere from zero to four clue words that are related to your word. Clue words are used (if available) in both Cross Search puzzles and Jumbles. If you don't use clue words, you can still create Cross Search puzzles and Jumbles from your list, but they may be more challenging.
After entering a word and its related clues, click "Submit and Add Another" to add another word.
Step Three: Try Your List
From the "Word Lists" module, click the checkbox next to your word list, and then click "Preview." You will see your word list on the site, and the options to create a Word Search, a Cross Search, or a Jumble. From here you can print your puzzle sheets.
Step Four: Publication
Click the following link to get details on sharing your printable word games with others.
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