Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
by Marcus S.A. GreyIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: .ADD. X-1: THE ICONOCLASTIX ANNOTATION.
The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on February 24, 2015
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pxiii] "'Contrary to what the Still-bleeding Hearts of these Living Dead Flower Folk would have Us, Even Now, believe, the Final Demise of that Elder Great Gaea had not come about by Adam-&-Eve's Presumption of Deity-endowed Dominion; but rather through His-or-Her Individual, Psychogenic, Fig-Leaf-shrinking, Fight-or-Fleeing, Big-Cat-arousing, Impotence in the Fang-baring, Pockmarked, Radiation-burned Face of this Magna Mater the First which had led to Such Glorified, Down-shaking, Long-conning, Rackets as were, in essence, the Feudal Institutions (excepting The Religious only insofar as It did not demand compensation for Clerical Services Thusly-rendered); the ultimately-unavoidable pinnacle of which being a Globe-encompassing Proliferation of Technocratic, Megamurderous, Overhomicidal, Collectively-Oligarchical, Super, Monolith-looming, Bureaucracies; In-Uniform &/or With-degree Elitists (Comparatively-speaking) unwilling or unable to look upon What It Is that the Little, Inveterate High-Roller which lives and writhes inside Every Willing Seeker After Promotion within The Corporation must assume -- being born of that Probationer-or-Parolee Programme earlier alluded to; and which makes One, By Nature, not only a Hostile Alien to the Very, Faith-based, Future-invested, Notion of Some Post-Apocalyptic, Neo-Edenic Restoration, but blind as well to That Omnipresent House Advantage to which even the High-&-Mighty Opposition (that is, to the Eternal, Virtually-Millennialist, Bliss which Alchemical Adventism and Intercosmic Hybridization bestows unconditonally upon Their Global, but -- considering All Inadvertent, Even Hellish, Aspects of the Reanimate/Transmutative Outcome -- Not-In-Every-Case-Grateful, Beneficiaries) must at length succumb -- must assume to be the Ditch-digging, Dish-washing, Lavatory-scouring, Fry-cooking, Hedge-trimming, Lawn-mowing, Field-ploughing, Bed-making, Skivvy-sniffing, Wet-nursing, Diaper-changing, Fruit-picking, Garbage-hauling, Litter-picking, Full-Time-But-Not-For-Profit-Toiling, Breadline-or-Soup-Kitchen-standing, Spare-Change-begging, Even Trick-turning, Ends of an All-Lord-knowing, Every-Knee-folded, Sphere Absolutely Free from Every-conceivable Disease-To-Treat, Infirmity-To-Nurse, Criminal-To-Catch, Suspect-To-Judge, Soul-To-Save, Injustice-To-Address, Relief-To-Organize, Enemy-To-Fight, Pupil-To-Teach, Lonliness-To-Ease, Viz., Axe-To-Grind; deeming it a by-far better option to risk the dubious-at-best, always fleetng, prospect of Top Floor, Ivory Spire, Life than to endure An Eternity without those Meritorious Awards which had once so-distinguished These from the Greater, Per Capita, Mass of Undergraduate Humanity; if it had been All-along in Our As-manufactured (Heaven-Sent, though maybe Sub-created) Natures to be Beatifically-Virtuous and Refuse-Free there would have been no cause for the Be-good Teachings; nor would it have been to Our More-Than-Simply-Sycophantic Credit to Self-determine, in spite of this Necessarily-evil Conditioning, an Alternative, Kinder, Gentler, Mother Earth; One in which Universally-ecumenical Fraternity and Unadultered Equality-For-All be The Rule Absolute....More writing by this author
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