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Seraj from Mumbai asks us: "What is the meaning of color like red, blue, grey, white, green, pink in sense of feeling?"

That's a good question, and it is interesting that every one of those colors - in some way - is used to represent a human characteristic. Not all of them are feelings, however. We'll go through each one of the colors below, providing not just the characteristic (or characteristics), but also (where possible), an explanation for why the color is used to represent a particular character quality.
RED: Red is the color of anger, for somewhat obvious reasons - often when people get angry, their faces turn red. In addition, the color red can actually incite anger - think of those bull fighters waving their capes and flags. What color are they? Red, of course. The bull's attention is attracted by this bright red object, and it infuriates him with its waving.
Ironically, red is also the color of love - we use it a lot on Valentine's Day.
So red is both love and anger -- hopefully that doesn't say anything about the nature of our love relationships. But red is the color of blood and the heart, so perhaps it is fitting that some of our most powerful emotions are connected to that color.
Finally, red is also the color of embarrassment, since the face reddens with embarrassment.
BLUE: Blue is the color of sadness. If you watched Pixar's film "Inside Out" this summer, you might have noticed that the emotion "Sadness" was represented by a blue person. If you are looking for an explanation, for the reason, that's a little tougher. The tempting explanation, that it's because "blues" is a sad kind of music, puts the cart before the horse; the connection of blue and sadness existed long before "The Blues." Run a search online, and you'll find all kinds of theories, but the best and most reliable sources admit that there's no certainty on the origin.
GRAY/GREY: This is very similar to blue; if you are feeling gray, you're feeling like a dreary, overcast day without sunshine. It feels like the blues, except that it also carries the connotation of boredom - everything is the same, and colorless. I've heard gray used this way, but not very often; certainly it's not as popular as some of the other colors for describing emotion.
WHITE: This color is not used to express an emotion, but a character quality. The quality is decency or integrity. For example, one could say "That's very white of you," to indicate, "I think you're being very fair about this." A word of caution on this one; the origin of this phrase is not 100% certain, but it is either because white is historically the color of purity, or it is a racially based expression, implying that whites are more trustworthy than other races. For this reason, I wouldn't advise using this expression; there are much better ways to tell someone that you think they're being fair!
GREEN: Green is the color of envy and jealousy. Why? I'm not really sure, but if you ever hear someone suggest that it's because money (United States Currency, that is) is green, and money incites envy, you can assure them that phrases like "green with envy," "the green-eyed monster" and "green-eyed with jealousy" pre-date the United States. In fact, those last two phrases are found in Shakespeare (Othello and The Merchant of Venice).
PINK: This color, like white, is more about a characteristic than a feeling. If you say someone is "in the pink," that means they are very healthy, and don't have any sickness. However, it can also be a feeling; if someone says they're feeling in the pink, that means they're feeling on top of the world.
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