scrounge: /skrounj/ informal verb: to actively seek [books] from any available source

Probably most of us have seen film or stage adaptations of Charles Dickens' classic, A Christmas Carol (my personal favorite is A Muppet Christmas Carol). While the 1840s English in this story would probably place it beyond the read-aloud patience levels of younger children, it is still a short read compared to most of Dickens' other works.
When I read this I enjoyed coming across familiar bits of dialogue that had been used in films, though of course, there is greater depth here to the characters' conversations and decisions than is possible to portray in a movie. I appreciated the heart of the story, which focuses on seeing all people as valuable, not just those with a certain degree of money or status.
Scrounged From: A Christmas gift
Author: Charles Dickens
Pages: 128
Content Advisory: As most probably know, there are ghosts in this story.

For younger children, this picture book version of A Christmas Carol gently adapts Dickens' original tale into something that can be read in an evening or two. The expressive and detailed illustrations, paired with more accessible text, keep the heart of the story in place.
Format: Hardcover
Author: Charles Dickens
Illustrator: Brett Helquist
Pages: 40
Content Advisory: Same as for the original tale -- the final faceless ghost might be scary for young ones.
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