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Dr. Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is another Christmas favorite here, which a lot of us probably know better due to the Christmas special that comes on TV every December.
While Boris Karloff's narration sticks in my mind every time I read this book (as do the memorable songs that accompany the TV special), the book is quite able to stand on its own. I enjoy the rhyming text in Seuss's trademark anapestic style with nonsense words thrown in when called for. And of course, the climax of the story is so beautifully written that even the grinchiest among us might find our hearts growing just a little bit.
As a side note, I particularly like the snazziness of the shiny red and green on the cover of this particular edition.
Scrounged From: Our local bookstore
Format: Hardcover
Author/illustrator: Dr. Seuss
Pages: 64
Content Advisory: None
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