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posted by zapot on Jun 20, 9:19 AM
I am not even sure this was a game we were supposed to test, but, i think previous and next are switched. The first screen is a display of many pictures and after you have selected one and answered, the choice to go to the 'next' picture is the one that was to the left on the display and the choice to go to the 'previous' picture is the one that was to the right on the display.
I am not even sure this was a game we were supposed to test, but, i think previous and next are switched. The first screen is a display of many pictures and after you have selected one and answered, the choice to go to the 'next' picture is the one that was to the left on the display and the choice to go to the 'previous' picture is the one that was to the right on the display.
posted by Douglas on Jun 20, 12:11 PM
Hi zapot, when "What Is Wrong" is rebuilt for the new site, we're probably going to do quite a bit of graphical redesign, and I expect that issue will probably go away with the new layout. Thanks! :)
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