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1 2I'm sure there will be various glitches people notice as more people play games. Rather than putting
Feb 23, 6:25 AM by wirralmatt
Just started getting in to this game for mental exercise at the end of a hard day!! The only thing
Aug 25, 3:40 PM by danerd50
In case you haven't noticed, every "Ask Professor Puzzler" blog page now has a "Daily
Aug 17, 10:40 AM by danerd50
We've got a new game that we're testing on the site - right now it's hidden at the bottom of the &qu
Jan 16, 2:03 PM by Douglas
When I start a game of Adders in horizontal orientation on my tablet, there are no arrow buttons wit
Sep 22, 7:28 AM by Douglas
Unnilhexium was a temporary name for the element with periodic number 106, which is now officially k
Sep 1, 2:50 AM by Douglas
I like the bigger squares on the new version.When I click on a square then if I "unclick"
Aug 17, 2:54 PM by danerd50
I like games with player ratings, because it gives a method of showing how sharp we compare with the
Aug 17, 2:16 PM by danerd50
On the new version, if I enter a word just as the clock runs out, instead of getting the message 'w
Aug 13, 12:23 PM by Douglas
Hi everyone, I wanted to let you all know that I've gone through the bug list for Trio Match and hav
Jul 29, 4:24 AM by Douglas
We're working on rebuilding the snowflake maker - one of the three games that didn't get finished be
Jul 8, 4:48 AM by Douglas
For some visitors on the site this morning, when they go to a daily game, the address in their brows
Jul 3, 8:52 AM by Douglas
Trio Match is the one game that is getting the most revisions; it was originally challenging enough
Jun 26, 2:29 AM by Douglas
The redesign of Trio Match is awesome! This is my favorite game. I love that you made it more challe
Jun 18, 11:12 AM by Douglas
I made a maze of a division symbol http://www.theproblemsite.net/mazes/shared/218, but when I tried
May 13, 3:06 AM by Douglas
The first post on a new page of a thread appears to be invisible.
Apr 12, 5:19 PM by Douglas
i did fast Animation on Number Recognition and i clicked the Number but it just floated away without
Apr 2, 3:41 PM by SmallFry
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