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posted by zapot on Jun 21, 2:31 PM
Again, I am not sure this is a game we should be testing (i should really go back and read that email :)) However, I just tried it, i was not immediately able to enter numbers using the keypad, but somehow i was able in the end. But, when i said i wanted to play again, i absolutely could not use the keypad, only the numbers on the keyboard worked. I did check that num lock was on by opening a clean document and using the keypad to type some numbers on it. This persisted to a third game.
posted by Douglas on Jun 21, 3:08 PM
Thank you zapot! I've verified the issue exists on my computer as well. ll look into that, and post a message here when it's fixed.
I just created a thread in the announcements section titled "Games to Test", and that will give you a complete list of all the games on this site that are available to try out.
Thanks again! :)
I just created a thread in the announcements section titled "Games to Test", and that will give you a complete list of all the games on this site that are available to try out.
Thanks again! :)
posted by AlexanderBeetle on Jun 21, 4:05 PM
I also had this problem, and on my tablet I was not able to access my keypad because tapping on the number boxes didn't bring it up.
posted by Douglas on Jun 21, 5:40 PM
What normally causes your keypad to come up? Entering any input field? Or specific kinds of input fields?
posted by Douglas on Jun 22, 4:36 AM
zapot - can you try again, and see if your number pad works?
AB - I've added a virtual number pad on the game page. The layout needs some work, but can you try it and see if it works for you?
AB - I've added a virtual number pad on the game page. The layout needs some work, but can you try it and see if it works for you?
posted by AlexanderBeetle on Jun 22, 7:05 PM
You ask what causes my keyboard to come up, any input field or specific kinds. I don't think I can answer that because I don't know one kind from another. I just know that when I need to type, I tap on the field and the keyboard comes up.
The virtual number pad does work. I am able to play the game now, but I have a suggestion. I am not able to select which number to fill in. If I have figured out the last digit, but not the first one, it would be nice to be able to tap on the last box and add that digit so I can see it while I think about the others.
The virtual number pad does work. I am able to play the game now, but I have a suggestion. I am not able to select which number to fill in. If I have figured out the last digit, but not the first one, it would be nice to be able to tap on the last box and add that digit so I can see it while I think about the others.
posted by Douglas on Jun 22, 7:19 PM
Yep, that makes sense. Thanks!
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